Small Kioti tractor didn't cost the earth
A home in the country usually brings with it a little work so Bronwyn Baird figured on buying a tractor.
A home in the country usually brings with it a little work so Bronwyn Baird figured on buying a tractor.
Already familiar with Power Farming and its retail operation in Ashburton, the farm runs Deutz-Fahr tractors, so when the decision was made to purchase a small utility tractor for the property, it didn't take long for a Kioti CK3010 and frontend loader to be heading up the farm driveway.
Arterthworx and Maintenance specialise in rural driveways and races, drainage and some section development using a range of machinery that includes diggers, tractors and trucks. So it’s interesting to learn that the latest addition to the fleet has quickly become the ‘go-to’ machine for the whole team.
Around six months ago, a new worker arrived on the property in the form of a Kioti NX6020 ROPS tractor with front-end loader, quickly becoming an integral part of the Turner team.
Waikato lifestyle-block contractor Gordon McLachlan can do just about anything with his new Kioti CK3310 tractor, which he recently bought to replace a similar model he had for seven years.
The new Kioti RX8030 tractor operated by the TECT All Terrain Park in the Western Bay of Plenty is proving to be a huge asset.